Saturday, 26 December 2009
Holiday Opening Hours
Dec 24th - shut
Dec 26th - shut
Dec 27th - closes 7pm
Dec 28th - closes 7pm
Dec 29th - closes 7pm
Dec 30th - closes 7pm
Dec 31st - closes 4 pm
Jan 1st - shut
Jan 2nd - closes 7pm
Jan 3rd - closes 7pm
Subs need to be paid in the New Year.
Brian will collect the Lift of the Quarter press results on the 30th, when he will be there at 1600.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Zoe Smith at the Tri Nations
New SE records and British records on Clean & Jerk and total!
SE U13s + U11s
Apply to L Johns, with £10 per entry, sending BW and DoB to 24 Chrich Hill; Shepherdswell; Dover; CT15 7NR
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Lift of the Quarter - Final Lift of 2009
The barbell shall be placed horizontal to the lifter's front. The bar is cleaned to the shoulders and may rest on the clavicles, the upper chest or on the arms fully bent. The feet must be on a plane parallel to the lifter's front but may be any distance apart. The legs must be straight. With the lifter motionless in this position, the signal to press is given. Without jerking, stopping, bending of the knees, moving the feet or leaning further back the bar is pressed to arms length overhead. At the completion of the lift the lifter is still and the completion signal is then given.
DO NOT press before the signal, lower the bar or chest to create momentum, rotate the trunk, move feet or raise toes/heels during press. Do not pause during press, lower bar before the referee’s signal or drop the bar after the signal. Always lock out arms and press with even arm extension.
Good luck!
Saturday, 14 November 2009
SE News - Results and GL Merger
Patricia Forbes at 69.13 is our sole Jersey member and got bronze in her group.
At the European Youth Champs Zoe Smith from Europa/Dartford was 5th in her class against much older women with 73; 96; total 166 in the 58 class.
Merger of SE and GL: The meeting to make this happen and appoint officers will be on Dec 6, and will be called by BWLA. I will advise clubs as soon as possible.
In theory the enlarged division will make for better and bigger events, and will be very well off. This year has seen a dramatic increase in the finances of the SE as a result of courses and so it should be possible to help those clubs where there is a clear of increasing BWLA membership and competitive activity.
With luck the merger will enable members to vote in new, I hope younger, officials.
Lift of the Quarter
Woking’s Chet Morjaria topped the Brits with a Left hand Dead Lift of 135 kg at a B Wt of 66.8.
Brian Hamill was down in about 27th place but bettered Jeff Fearon, another over 70 regular. Woking remain top club. Woking Power are 3rd in the club rankings.
To liven the scheme up, Brian has persuaded Tony Cook of the Strength Athletes’ Guild to add performances in their schemes.
Up pops Sam Dube, a Canadian medical student in the World rankings at number one with Chet relegated to 3rd in the globe! James Register, also from Woking, ranked 4th world wide. These rankings use a formula, the Lynch, which may be fairer than the simple % of bodyweight we use.
The current Lift of the Quarter is the two hands Clean and Press with barbell. I have been told that a bunch of Devon Powerlifters will be joining in. My money is on one of the Chea brothers winning, and that Chris Chea will be Britain’s Best All Rounder for 2009. Who says Woking lifters are all technique and no strength!
British U18 + U23
Chi Chea at just 51k had a poor total, for him, recovering from Swine flu, but won the U18 56k class.
Jade Hill won the U18 58 class with a display of first class technique.
Lauren Bettrs Bucke was very much off form but got silver in the u23 58s.
Mark, Jades brother, was 3rd in the U23 94s and Mal Jones second in the 105s.
All but Josey were from Woking.
There were no outstanding lifts but most of the team were novices and are expecting better results on Dec 5th in the London Open.
Full results on the BWLA web site.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
November 29th - Junior Comp
Email Brian at for further information.
EGM - December 6th: SE+GL Merger
I will advise all SE clubs when I know the venue.
The voting is limited to those present and all must be 18 or over. Proof of membership and age is required.
Clubs are limited to 10 votes per each 30 BWLA members. So far as I know Woking and B Green are the only clubs with more than 30 BWLA members.
The only agenda item is the merger.
After that there will be an AGM, the first, of the new merged division, to elect officers and set Council meeting dates. At a minimum we need a president; chairman; treasurer; course organiser; web/bulletin editor; weightlifting competition sectretary; child protection officer; technical officer (redfereeing and refs courses) and then a number of committee members. The two divisions are already working out a joint weightlifting calendar using the two current venues: CP and Woking.
I will, in notifying SE clubs, advise about these vacancies and ask for volunteers. Remember that London will also seek volunteers and it is only fair that both the old divisions have representatives and share the workload.
London's position at the EGM may differ as they are a Ltd Co. and not created, nor, in essence recognised by BWLA. This means they can run their AGM, at 1100 the same day, according to their rules. My reference is the Articles of Association agreeed in 2008 at the BWLA\AGM.
It is intended that the finances will be merged, and to that end the SE has depositied £1000 in a new account with GL and SE officers as signatories. So far GL has not added its £1000 and there may be difficulties as they try to close their Ltd. Co., so, in the interim, the new division may depend entirely on SE money! We just have to hope it gets sorted out quickly.
Brian P Hamill
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
More From Britain's Most Powerful Youth
The contest is in four age groups and competitors are selected based on their results in the Postal Clean & Jerk scheme (details from: The feats are: Shuttle Sprint; Triple Broad Jump (two footed take offs); Overhead Shot throw and Clean & Jerk: the Power Quadrathlon.
In the under 14 age group Chi Chea, one of three lifting brothers, won, with 601 points, ahead of Mitch Arkle (490). Hakim Babalola took top spot in the 14/15 group with 644, narrowly beating Team Manchester team mate Alex Collier (641). In the 16/17 group Rob Green added to his over all win. There were no acceptances amongst the 18 year olds.
Guest celebrities, all well over 18, included Chris Chea (758); Tom Norman, a discus specialist (562) and Russ Kirby, Rugby, Strong Man events and Powerlifter (524), not quite up to Zoe’s level!
I had a super help from many helpers, officials and volunteers. Special thanks to Keith Morgan for arranging the venue, the buffet and the accommodation. It was great to be involved in an event where there were no grumbles and no complaints. And don’t worry Mitch: I have your trophy safe!
Brian Hamill
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
London and SE Open 2009
London Weightlifting Centre, Crystal Palace NSC, Upper Norwood, London SE19 2BB.
Weigh-in: Men up to 77kg, 9am–10am
85kg and above , 12-1pm
Women all classes , 9am-10am
Entry Fee - £15.00 cheques to ‘London Weightlifting Centre’
Accommodation - £26.00 B&B pp
Entries to: Keith Morgan, London Weightlifting Centre, Crystal Palace NSC, Upper Norwood, London SE 19 2BB
Download entry form here
Monday, 5 October 2009
Britain's Most Powerful Youth 2009
Chi Chea, won the Britain's Most Powerful Youth title in the youngest age category, on Oct 3 at Crystal Palace.
He competed in the four tests of the power Quadrathlon: Shuttle Sprint; Triple Broad Jump, Overhead Shot Throw and the Clean & Jerk.
To reach the final he had won his age category in the Postal Clean & Jerk scheme organised by Woking coach Brian Hamill.
Brother Chris Chea, no longer a youth, made an appearance as a guest celebrity and astounded the track athletes present with an amazing best of the day triple jump and a 140 kilo Clean & Jerk
Chi will compete again in October in the British under 18s Weightlifting championship. He is 14.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Summary of Courses
The most popular course was the Leader award. It is now replaced by the Introduction to Resistance Training award.
BWLA Intro. to Resistance Training
Two day. £250.00. A National Governing Body (NGB) of Sport award, recognised by UK Sport and Sport England etc.. It is accepted by the Register of Exercise Professionals as earning 16 Continuing Professional Development points for those holding a Level II in Sport or Recreation coaching, and who are 18 or older. Other candidates will be secure in having an award of the NGB, and therefore from the body most experienced in the field of resistance training of all kinds.
Younger candidates may take the course, which covers machines and free weights.
We have two new courses:
BWLA Weightlifting for Sport award,Part I **
Two days. Price £250. This does not involve machines, and covers exercises involving explosive movements and rotation, that is mainly the Olympic lifts and related movements. This is now considered to be vital in the context of most sports. It has been developed following a series of courses designed for and with the FA, and based on input from athletics, paddling and rugby. Candidates will be examined on their ability competently to demonstrate Olympic lifting skills with light weights.
BWLA Weightlifting for Sport Instructor award, Part II**
Two days. Price £250.. Candidates will learn sufficient about weight training for strength and basic balanced development of the musculature safely to teach the skills to others. Candidates will be examined on their ability to show competence, safety and knowledge in presenting and teaching basic strength exercises. The two parts are certified independently for successful candidates. Please note that the title Weightlifting for Sport Instructor will not be issued until Parts I and II have been satisfactorily completed.
We also offer:
Weightlifting Instructor award**
Four days. This one is currently in process of being aligned to the Sportscoach UK level 2 coaching award and will then be recognised by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. It is targeted at Olympic Weightlifters and demands practical skills in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk, a practical and written exam and a project. It will, when aligned, include a home study and coaching diary which must include coaching weightlifting. It is not suitable for those who are not involved in competitive Weightlifting
INSETs for Schoolteachers
These are one day courses which offer a National Governing Body Certificate. They are run in schools. The content is tailored to the demands of the school or a group of schools, and in some authorities the content is agreed by the PE Adviser or CPD department of the area’s education team.
Beyond these we have higher coaching awards for aspiring Weightlifting (Snatch plus Clean & Jerk) coaches.
We also offer bespoke courses for particular sports. For these we model the courses according to the requirements of the particular sport’s National Governing Body.
Initial enquiries to Brian Hamill:
Please mention this blog when doing so.
Intro to Resistance Training Course
A few words from Jim McMahon:
I will be running a Intro to Resistance Training level 1 course on the 14/15th of November. The course will take place in Colchester Essex at Hamilton's gym - a well respected venue amongst the resistance training fraternity. The course will be over a weekend period and will be from 0900 - 1700 each day. The Level 1 course is Reps accredited for those with a Level 2 qualification in fitness and acts as 16 Cpd points.
Any information or help that you require please do not hesitate to contact me. If interested can you please show your interest by e-mailing me your name address and contact phone number. There is a cut off date for applications so please make sure all applications are received before the cut off date. This is an excellent course for gaining knowledge and practical experience of resistance training through the use of machines and free weights and can be applied to help you assist at any level.
This course does not include Olympic weightlifting, nor Powerlifting but does cover free weights and machines
Venue and address: Hamiltons Fitness Centre, Telford Way, Colchester, CO4 9QP
All enquiries to:
9 Kings Farm Meadow Tillingham Essex CM0 7GY. 01621 778 317
Strength, Speed and Suppleness
The Power House at Woking Leisure Centre is one of just 3 high performance, open to all, free-weight training facilities in the South of England. It hosts the Centre of Excellence club, Britain’s best All Round lifting club.
As more sports people, functional fitness fanatics and Olympic hopefuls recognize the value of multi-joint free weight exercises so Power House increases in popularity. The latest trend is for Personal Trainers from the national gym chains to come to us in order to be able to teach our techniques to the sports people who consult them.
It works! Current members include the coach of Guildford’s American Football team; Ellie Spain, now weightlifting but formerly Britain’s best Pole Vaulter; Chris Chea, British Weightlifting and All Round lifting champion; and Georgia Peel, at 15 holder of the British under 20 1500m record. Various Olympians and internationals from many events have passed through our hands over the years, like: Olympic runner Hayley Parry; hurdle medalist David Jenkins; British Lion Will Green; World Champion paired lightweight sculler Beryl Mitchell.
The club is run by volunteers but the coaches are: professional in their know-how and care for the members; qualified and insured; CRB screened. All age groups are welcome & currently we range from 11 to 76. Chief coach, Brian Hamill is still in shape at 72!
The first visit is free though there is a spectator fee to get into the Leisure Centre. Annual subs vary from £16 to £77.
Are you serious about strength, speed and suppleness?
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
SE and GL U11 and U13 Comp Details
Woking Leisure Centre
Sunday, 29th Novemeber 2009
Weigh In: 0930-1030
Start: 1130
£10 - Payable to "Woking Centre of Excellence WL"
All entries to Woking Centre of Excellence, c/o Brian Hamill, 36 Rowtown, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 1HQ by November 16th
No entries on the day. Late entries £20. Send following details:
Name, DOB, Likely B/Wt, Sex, Club, £10 enclosed
Rules and Details: U11 and U13s are marked for technique points which outweigh the weights lifted.
BWLA Blue Book required and MUST be presented at weigh in
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
More Forthcoming Events
- 15th Nov - SE + GL Junior - Crystal Palace
- 28th Nov - SE + GL U13 and U11 - Woking
- 5th Dec - SE + GL Open - Crystal Palace
London+SE U18 and U23 Championships
Tom Chalcraft won the u.18 69 class and also will be at the British under 18's. He is better known as a Rugby playing international.
Jade Hill, just 15 made the same total as a London girl but was slightly heavier and so took second place in the 58 under 18 class.
New discovery Kirstie Freeburn had the misfortune to be up against the sensational Zoe Smith, Britain's most Powerful girl, and had to be content with second.
Malcolm Jones is from the Isle of Wight and has to travel 2 hours each way to train at Woking, a journey he can make only rarely. He improved on all his bests but was well below the standard of the under 18 winner in the 105 kg. class. However the club coach is sure he can improve dramatically. Regrettably there are no facilities on the Isle.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Woking College, National Postal C+J Scheme, SE C+J Champion
Woking had good results from a team of 7 students who participated. With schools from across the country entering Woking College’s Abi Biddulph was delighted to hear she had been crowned South of England Champion with a lift of 30kg in her first year participating in the sport of Olympic Lifting.
Woking College already have a history of good results in Olympic Weightlifting, with fellow student Joe Elding who lifts for Woking’s Centre of Excellence (Weightlifting) being crowned South East Champion in the under 77kg Class. Woking College will be continuing to expand their Olympic Weightlifting provision, after having received a grant from the British Weightlifters Supporters Fund to purchase further Olympic Lifting Equipment, and expanding the college gym to allow for space for training.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
News from the London+SE Open
An excellent total from Chris Chea, this time lifting in the 77kg category - with a 111kg snatch and a 135kg clean & jerk.
There were plenty of newcomers both male and female and across all ages - great news.
More Woking lifters qualified for National events, once again.
Full results to follow.
News from the British
Also to Koing Chea who took the silver in the 85kg class.
Forthcoming Events
Here is a list of some of the forthcoming events:
- 8th August - London & South East U18+U23 Championships - Crystal Palace
- 3rd October - Britains Most Powerful Youth - Crystal Palace
- 18th October - British U18+U23 - Kilmarnock, Scotland
- 24th/25th October - Weightlifting for Other Sports Course, Cambridge
Woking Centre of Excellence is currently the number one club in Britain in these All Round Strength feats.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Woking Club Riding High
Monday, 27 July 2009
Lift of the Quarter: Results of 2nd Quarter
The lift was Two Dumbbells Anyhow
Entry forms and details from Jim Smith, Longwood House, Standlake, Witney Oxon.
Oct 10th deadline.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Upcoming BWLA Courses
Oct 24 and 25.
Recommended by the FA; RFU; National Strength & Conditioning Association and 1st4Sport.
Details from:
01932 705359
36 Rowtown; Addlestone; Surrey KT151HQ
Intro to Resistance Training course.
Aug 1 and 2.
Details from:
Friday, 6 March 2009
National Postal Clean and Jerk Scheme
* A Clean and Jerk postal contest for young athletes up to the age of 18.
Who is running it?
* Organised by the Weightlifters Supporters Fund
* Endorsed by the BWLA, Welsh WLF and WL Scotland
Who can enter it?
* Anyone up to the age of 18
* 4 Age Groups:
* 13, 14-15, 16-17, 18
* 15 Bodyweight classes:
* Male: 45kg, 50kg, 56kg, 62kg, 69 kg, 77kg, 85kg, 85kg+
* Female: 44kg, 48kg, 53kg, 58kg, 63kg, 69kg, 69kg +
What are the prizes?
* Every single competitor receives a certificate
* Prizes for winners in each bodyweight category, in each age group and gender
* Prizes for Northern Ireland's, Scotland's, Wales', and 3 English regions individual winners
* Prizes for biggest school & club entry, and for best school & club entry
* Top performers will be invited to Britains Most Powerful Youth Contest
What are the rules?
* Coaches/Teachers - You are the referee
* Unlimited number of attempts
* The Clean to the chest is one continuous movement, as the the Jerk overhead.
* Record BW to nearest 100g
* Record lifts to nearest 1kg
When must entries be received by?
* Entries can be received anytime up until April 15th, 2009
How can entries be sent in?
Here is the entry form:
Entry form
Who can I contact for further information?
* Add a comment to this post
* Or contact Weightlifters' Supporters Fund, 36 Rowtown, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 1HQ
(for information on this contest and youth weightlifting)
"Sport England has changed its ways and will be giving more grants direct to sports' governing bodies. To qualify we have to have plans to create growth (more competitors); to sustain them after age 16, and to create routes to excellence.
The only mechanism BWLA has for growth is the Postal Clean and Jerk Scheme, which also identifies talent we must sustain in the sport. The Weightlifters' Supporters Fund pays for the scheme, gives many £thousands in cash and kit to good young lifters and their clubs, so we are helping to keep people on the road to excellence. But it all starts with growth."
- Brian Hamill
Thursday, 5 March 2009
White Fruit of the Loom Super Premium tees with prints on the front and sleeve of the tee.
Front print:

Sleeve print:
Price: £15. Email if interested.
Profits to support lifting and lifters at Woking.
Woking Centre of Excellence Members - See Brian for Members prices.
English Weightlifting Championships: Results
Particularly well done to Chris Chea - winner of the 69kg class and English Champion.
Results for the 5 Woking Lifters as follows:
Name (BW) | Clean and Jerk | Snatch | Total | Position
Chris Chea (67.9kg) | 95 100f 101f | 130 135f 135f |225 | 1st
Koing Chea (83.7kg) | 110f 110f 110 | 130 150f 150f | 240 | 2nd
Dave Woodhouse (90kg) | 120 123f 123f | 140 143f 143f | 260 | 3rd
Ellie Spain (62.8kg) | 46 49 52f | 67 70 73f | 119 | 3rd
Vika di Georgio (62.55kg) | 46 50 52f | 62 64 67f | 114 | 4th
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
English Weightlifting Championships
Best of luck to Woking lifters Chris Chea, Koing Chea, and Ellie Spain, and also David Woodhouse and Vika di Georgio on Saturday.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Woking Centre of Excellence on Facebook
Come and join us if you haven't already: