Sunday, 24 January 2010

Weightlifting Development Event: Open

Weightlifting Development Event:  Open 
Includes Surrey Champs

Woking Leisure Centre, Kingfield Rd; Woking; Surrey  
Feb 27 2010
Weigh In at 0930-1030

INCLUDES Clean & Overhead Anyhow for first time competitors who need not be BWLA members.

Entry fee:  £7.00 payable Woking Centre of Excellence (WL) c/o Brian Hamill  36 Rowtown; Addlestone; Surrey KT151HQ ( by Feb 10

NB Surrey champs competitors will be in age and gender groups and in all respects judged by BWLA rules (close fitting tops, short sleeves and leotard or close fitting trunks) and must present proof of age and BWLA 2010 blue book at the weigh in. Please contact Brian Hamill for entry form.

Woking as Britain's Best All Round Club 2009

Woking's Really Useful Muscle club declared Britain's Best All Round club for the second year. Who says Olympic lifters are not strong!

This is based on the BWLA Lift of the Quarter comp: a different feat every 3 months.

The current challenge is the Left hand barbell snatch! Send name; age; sex; lift and bodyweight to Jim Smith, Longwood House; Shifford Lane; Standlake; Witney  Oxon with 25p per person and details of Club

London South East Youths

Woking lifter Chi Chea, age 14, won the U17 at the LSE WL champs.  B Wt 54.95,  Snatch 55 and Clean & Jerk  73, all PBs.  Just missed 75.  We expect new PBs in the British U17s in March.